COVID-19 and respiratory illness resources update


Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) updated several University COVID-19 and respiratory illness prevention resources, including our Illness and Exposure Guidance, Public Health Flowchart, Face Covering Policy, and the UW Respiratory Illness Health and Safety Plan.

These revisions were made in coordination with the UW Advisory Committee for Communicable Diseases (ACCD) in response to changes made by federal, local, and state public and occupational health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The updated guidance provides more sustainable and standardized resources for our campus community to continue to reduce risk of COVID-19 and respiratory illnesses for the long term. These changes are summarized below.

Illness and Exposure Guidance

These guidelines have been updated to align with the CDC, and also apply to other respiratory illnesses (in addition to COVID-19). Key changes include:

  • You can resume normal activities after having COVID-19 (or another respiratory illness) when
    • You are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication; and  
    • your symptoms have improved. 

Refer to the CDC examples to know how long to stay home.  

When resuming normal activities, continue to take added precautions for the next 5 days, such as wearing a face mask around others.  

Face Covering Policy

Face covering requirements in UW healthcare facilities and clinical settings will align with those in place for UW Medicine medical facility personnel. Currently, masks are not required (although strongly recommended) in all clinical spaces at the University, including on UW shuttles serving the medical centers. Healthcare workers are still required to wear a mask in higher risk spaces and according to site-specific requirements. Follow mask signs upon entry to clinics. The University Face Covering Policy reflects these changes.

Free face coverings will continue to be made available at select locations on our campuses.

UW Medicine medical facility personnel continue to follow the UW Medicine mask and personal protective equipment policies.

Respiratory Illness Health and Safety Plan

Formerly known as the COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan, this document was streamlined and now reflects updated public health guidance and more general respiratory illness prevention practices. This plan is a supplement to the UW Accident Prevention Plan, and should be reviewed by units in addition to any site-specific requirements or procedures.

Posters and signage

The COVID-19 and respiratory illness signage was refreshed with updated contact information, publication dates, and more sustainable messaging. Refer to the COVID-19 Signage Updates for guidance on required and optional signs for placement at building entrances and in common areas. 

COVID-19 Safety Training

COVID-19 Safety Training is no longer required, and has been archived. 

COVID-19 tests

The program supplying free rapid antigen tests has finished distributing its stock of kits, and is being phased out. Kits may still be purchased at local retailers, including the Hall Health pharmacy. 

Guidance that hasn’t changed

  • UW personnel who believe their COVID-19 illness was a result of a workplace exposure are required to submit an incident report to EH&S via the Online Accident Reporting System (OARS). 
  • COVID-19 and respiratory Illness and exposure requirements for healthcare settings has not changed. 
  • If you have any new or worsening respiratory virus symptoms, stay home and away from others. Follow the guidance in the Public Health Flowchart.
  • If you were exposed to someone with COVID-19, you may continue normal activities (such as returning to work and class) if you are not experiencing symptoms
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you are still strongly encouraged to notify friends, colleagues, and relatives who may been exposed.  
  • If you are at higher risk to become severely ill from COVID-19, consult with your healthcare provider. 

We will continue to monitor the evolving public health situation and make additional updates to University guidance as needed. Please direct any questions to EH&S at or by calling (206) 543-7262. As of July 1, 2024, is no longer being actively monitored.