What you need to know
All work with radioactive material must be conducted under the supervision of a PI who has been issued a Radiation Use Authorization (RUA) for the work. Each RUA contains terms and conditions specific to the approved use of the material. Use of radioactive material outside of the scope described in the RUA is strictly prohibited and can result in restriction or termination of the RUA.
Getting Started
A researcher who would like to work with radioactive material should check to see if his or her PI is already authorized. If the PI is not authorized, the options include:
- Having the PI submit an RUA application
- Finding a PI who is willing to sponsor and be accountable for the work that will be performed
- Seeing if you meet the training and experience qualifications to be considered a PI for radioactive material work, so that you can apply for an RUA
Applying for an RUA
The RUA application process starts by contacting the Radiation Safety team. A health physicist will work with you to get the information needed for the RUA application.
All RUA applications are reviewed by either the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) or the radiation safety officer.
Verifying Radiation Use Authorizations
RUAs are reviewed and verified by Radiation Safety staff during the annual radiation use laboratory inspection.