Introduction to the UW Accident Prevention Plan
The University’s Accident Prevention Plan covers the anticipated workplace hazards that generally apply to employees across the University. It outlines policies and procedures implemented to reduce or eliminate these hazards.
The goal of the UW Accident Prevention Plan is to provide core health and safety guidance that applies to all employees at the University, along with a department’s Supplemental Accident Prevention Plan, which is customized to address specific health and safety topics related to the worksites and job hazards within an individual department. To be effective, all UW employees should review the UW Accident Prevention Plan and be familiar with their department-specific Supplemental Accident Prevention Plan.
Employees covered by the UW Accident Prevention Plan include staff, faculty and students or volunteers in paid permanent, part-time or seasonal positions. It applies to all campuses, schools, departments, and organizations within the University. UW medical facility personnel follow additional UW Medicine policies and procedures beyond this Plan.