Research Occupational Health

Updated January 10, 2025

The UW Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Occupational Health Program mission is to ensure the health and safety of University personnel and students. We provide information and support to persons working in the research environment, including animal care and use. The goals of the program are to prevent injury or disease from hazards in the workplace.

The UW Employee Health Center provides clinical services, including medical evaluations and counseling, administering immunizations, providing follow-up care after an injury or exposure, and establishes and maintains employee medical records.



Environmental Health & Safety provides the following services:

  • Perform occupational health reviews of research protocols involving biohazards and animal care and use and provide workplace safety and medical management recommendations
  • Provide occupational health consultation to employees or students as requested
  • Investigate incidents involving biohazards, sharps, and/or animals and identify prevention strategies
  • Coordinate post-exposure care for biological and animal care and use research
  • Develop medical management guidance and facilitate clinical services and care

More information


Occupational Health Nurse Contact

(206) 221-7770