Occupational health services
Occupational health services and consultations are based on medical management requirements of work activities.
We provide services to University personnel who need regulatory management, such as individuals whose work involves:
- Animal research, care and use
- Asbestos
- Lead
- Silica
- Airborne hazards that require a respirator
- Research scientific diving
- UW Police Department
- Work with Select Agents/BSL-3 biohazards
Visit the Research Occupational Health webpage for more information.
Preventive health services
Preventive health services include blood pressure screenings and occupational health screenings.
Blood pressure screening
Blood pressure screening is available to all UW employees; no permission is required.
Occupational health screenings
(department/unit permission required)
Occupational health screenings are part of a comprehensive exam package customized for the individual. Occupational health screenings require permission from your unit or department.