Fire Prevention Week October 6-12

During National Fire Prevention Week, Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) will host events on the Seattle campus to remind personnel and students of steps they can take to prevent fires and the importance of responding quickly to a smoke alarm. The theme for this year’s National Fire Prevention Week is "Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!” 

Stop by our table to learn more about fire prevention and smoke detectors.


Safety measures for lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are used supply power to many kinds of devices including smart phones, laptops, e-scooters, e-bikes, and e-cigarettes, and are used in University operations and research applications. Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) encourages personnel and students to follow safety practices to reduce the possibility of a reaction, fire, or explosion when handling, charging, storing or disposing of lithium-ion batteries.



Evacuation Topics for Individuals with Disabilities

Faculty, staff, students and visitors who may have difficulty exiting during a building evacuation are encouraged to consider these options in advance of spending time at a University location to prepare for building emergencies and evacuations, including fire drills.


Individuals who have a mobility, visual, auditory, or other condition (temporary or permanent) that may make evacuation difficult are encouraged to: