Workplace incident investigation training


Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) offers an online training course called Five Whys Root Cause Analysis. This training is recommended for University supervisors and other personnel responsible for incident investigations and documenting root cause(s) and corrective actions.

An incident investigation is required when a fatality, injury, illness, property damage, or near-miss event occurs at any University location and/or involving any University personnel. The Five Whys Root Cause Analysis training teaches how root cause analysis works, and how to identify correctible root causes and determine appropriate corrective actions to prevent future incidents from occurring.

root cause analysis process
Root Cause Analysis Process

Supervisors and other designated personnel are required to document all work-related incidents and their root causes in the Online Accident Reporting System (OARS). The Five Whys Root Cause Analysis training will provide supervisors with the skills to identify and document correctible root causes in OARS reports.

This training is also recommended for safety professionals, health and safety committee members, and safety officers who conduct incident investigations or review OARS reports for their departments, committees, or units.

Please contact the EH&S Training team for more information.