- Adjust your chair so that your legs are parallel to the floor and your feet can be placed on the floor. Use a footrest or stack some books to support your feet if needed.
- If you need more back support roll up a towel or place a cushion behind your lower back to provide better lumbar support.
- Locate your phone and other accessories within in arms reach.
Image credit: American Industrial Hygiene Association
Watch the Ergonomics Instructional Videos for detailed instructions on adjusting and using your chair (Steps 1 and 2).
- Set up your keyboard and mouse together on a level surface at elbow height.
- Place your monitor an arms distance away and adjust the height of the monitor to eye level or just below. Use a box or books to achieve the proper height.
- Keep arms at your side, elbows bent at 90 degrees, keeping your wrists straight or slightly downward. You may have to place a pillow or cushion under you if the table is too high.
- Using a laptop that does not allow the screen and keyboard to be separated can result in either neck/head strain or hand/wrist strain. An external monitor can be used to achieve the proper monitor height.
- Close the blinds or locate the monitor away from the window to eliminate or avoid glare.
Image credit: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Watch the Ergonomics Instructional Videos for detailed instructions on setting up your workstation (Steps 3-10).
EH&S does not provide ergonomics assessments for non-office work environments. For these types of assessments, an outside consultant may be a good option for departments/units to address potential risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal injuries. Consultants will evaluate workstations or work tasks to determine if changes should be made for a better fit.
The University of Washington has established contracts with ErgoFit Consulting and Solutions Northwest to receive ergonomics assistance at negotiated rates.
Please contact the EH&S Ergonomics Program for more information on consultant services.