Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

Updated January 22, 2025

Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are documents that describe the physical and health hazards of chemicals or chemical-containing products and must be readily accessible to employees during all work shifts when these products are present in the work environment.

EH&S maintains a centralized library of SDSs in the online MyChem database for your use. SDSs are added to the central collection as employees inventory their chemicals in MyChem.

SDSs are accessible in MyChem to anyone with a UWNetID. Users with established inventory accounts can view SDSs from their inventory.

SDSs can be printed, indexed and stored in binders. The index must be updated whenever a chemical product is added to or deleted from the inventory. The file should be checked annually to verify that all SDSs are present and legible.

Workers must be trained and able to demonstrate that they can successfully obtain an SDSs, regardless of whether they use MyChem or a paper system.

If electronic access has been lost and you need immediate access to an SDS outside of regular business work hours, contact the UW Police Department at 206.685.8973 and they will call EH&S to assist with the request.

If synthesizing a hazardous chemical, the PI or manager must generate a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) compliant label and safety data sheet (SDS) before shipping or transporting the chemical away from the campus. Use this SDS template to make a GHS compliant SDS.


For information about SDS call 206.616.4046 or send an email to

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(206) 616-4046