# |
Question and Explanation(additional information for inspection team members and report recipients) |
Reference Code |
Administrative Plans/Materials | ||
1 |
Do the lab staff have access to the current version of the UW Lab Safety Manual? The LSM is part of the Washington Department of Labor and Industries “Chemical Hygiene Plan" (CHP). It is required for all laboratories that use hazardous chemicals. WAC 296-828-20005 also requires this document to be updated at least annually; to meet this requirement, EH&S reviews the current version each year and releases an updated version of the LSM in the Autumn.
The LSM can be either in paper or electronic format; it must be accessible at all times to all personnel who work with hazardous chemicals. It is expected that a copy will be stored in each laboratory space where the work is going on. This information must be accessible to all workers while at work; for example, it cannot be locked in an office or stored in another room. Laboratory-specific information, such as chemical inventories or training records, may be stored in another location but should be easily accessible if requested.
Download an electronic or order a hard copy of the LSM. If the CHP is all electronic, personnel must know where the files are located and how to access them. They must have access to the files while working in laboratory spaces via a computer kept in the space. For ease of electronic use, the LSM may be bookmarked in its entirety as a PDF.
- WAC 296-828-20005 |
2 |
Has the lab-specific information been added to the Lab Safety Manual? For labs that are shared by more than one group, each group must complete the laboratory specific information. All lab staff need to know where to find the lab-specific information which augments the manual for their group. The lab-specific information can be either in paper or electronic format. If an all paper CHP is to be used, the lab-specific information can be filed in the front of the manual. |
- WAC 296-828-20005 - UW Lab Safety Manual Pages 11-14 Sections 6, 7, 8 Appendix C, D |
3 | Do all lab personnel have access to written SOPs that document safety procedures? All labs must have written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that document safety procedures to follow when working with specific hazardous materials. This applies to all hazardous materials (including all hazardous chemicals) in use. Materials not in use should be administratively managed to remind all lab personnel that an SOP needs to be developed prior to use. For guidance on how to write an SOP, see the webpage on SOPs, which includes a list of required elements. Example chemical SOPs are available for specific chemicals, classes of chemicals, and processes involving chemicals. Every SOP should be dated and regularly reviewed, and the SOP should include signatures of the author or reviewer. The SOP should be available in all laboratory spaces where the applicable process takes place or where the applicable chemicals are in use. For assistance with developing SOPs, contact labcheck@uw.edu.
For labs that are shared by more than one group, SOPs may be shared; an example would be an SOP on the use of a shared instrument. It is recommended that a training record for each group on the relevant procedures be included as part of the SOP documentation.
- WAC 296-800-14005 - WAC 296-828 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 6, Appendix D |
4 | Do all lab staff know how and when to report accidents, incidents, or near misses in OARS (Online Accident Reporting System)? All accidents and near misses that take place in the lab must be reported in UW OARS. See Accident and Injury Reporting for more information on how to use OARS. |
- WAC 296-800-14005 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 9.B.2.a |
5 |
Was a safety self-inspection performed and documented within the last 12 months? For labs that are shared, a self-inspection may be done for the space that applies to all groups. It is recommended that an inspection record be maintained for each group. |
- WAC 296-800 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 8.A.9 |
6 |
Are assessments of hazards conducted and documented for work and chemical usage? A risk assessment focuses on hazard identification at each step or task level. When conducting an assessment, consider the full range of safety, health, and environmental hazards, from machine safety to physical hazards to chemical and biological exposures. A risk assessment can provide essential information for enhancing safety practices, establishing proper procedures, and ensuring all lab members are properly trained. When conducting a risk assessment, be sure to consult the Laboratory Safety Manual for standards in research practices. Compliance with these standards is mandatory, and by incorporating these standards in your risk assessment, you can be sure that you are meeting UW policies and state regulations. You should consult EH&S if you have questions or if you need to get assistance from experts about specific hazards. Identify the question you are trying to answer, the approach you want to use, and the general hazards associated with the materials, chemicals, equipment, and processes you intend to use. Be sure to outline each step/task of your experiment or project, and talk with your PI and peers about routine and infrequent tasks, near misses, and safety concerns.
Use the Hierarchy of Controls to consider what methods will eliminate or reduce any hazards. Think about the controls that need to be in place to address the severity of the worst-case credible consequence. The higher the severity, the higher level or number of controls needed to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Document all existing controls.
Use a Risk Matrix to assign a risk rating for your experiment or project. The primary goal is for researchers to analyze and evaluate risks, mitigate them effectively, and differentiate unacceptable and high-level risk steps from those with a lower level risk. This will help drive additional consultation and control measures where needed. You and the PI should decide if the risk level is acceptable before proceeding with a test run. If the risk level is not acceptable, then return to the risk assessment and use the hierarchy of controls to design a safer process.
Discuss your decisions with your PI, supervisor, and any peers who perform the experiments or tasks being considered. Review incident data or information from co-workers on the likelihood that the accident scenario would occur with controls in place. It may be that additional controls are required based on experience. If you plan to introduce new or modified procedures, be sure everyone understands what is involved, what new risks are introduced, and the reasons for the changes.
Test your experimental design by doing a dry run, doing a run with less hazardous materials or testing the design on a smaller scale. Review your assessment if an accident or incident occurs. Record notes from any trial runs and evaluations of the experiment or procedure.
Evaluate and critique all the controls and hazards as you work. If changes are needed, update your risk assessment tool and re-evaluate the process. Do this whenever there are changes in scale, reagent, equipment, or conditions that affect the hazard/risk level. Share the new version of your assessment with your PI and peers for the next iteration of the experiment. Periodically reviewing your risk assessment ensures that it remains current and continues to help reduce accidents and injuries. Even if the experiment or procedure has not changed, it is possible that you will identify hazards during runs that were not identified initially. These findings should be documented and managed.
- WAC 296-67-017 - WAC 296-828-2005 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 1.C.1.c - UW EH&S Lab R.A.T. (Click on link)
Signage | ||
7 |
Are emergency contact numbers, including after-hours emergency contact numbers for lab staff, posted within the laboratory? For labs that are shared, each group should provide after-hours information. Download an Emergency Information document to be posted after your contact information is filled in. |
- WAC 296-800-14020 |
8 |
Is a lab hazard caution sign posted and current? For labs that are shared, all inventories must be included in each room to create the hazard diamond. |
- IFC, Chapter 50 - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.A.6, 4.C.1 |
9 | Is a biosafety door sign posted when agents are in use and removed when not in use? For BSL-2 laboratories, the Biohazard Warning Sign must be affixed to entry doors in a way such that it can be easily removed. After work is complete, agents are secured (e.g., inside closed incubator or refrigerator), and surfaces are decontaminated, the biohazard warning sign may be removed or turned over. If the biohazard warning sign is affixed to a BSL-2 laboratory door, support staff, such as Facilities Services or Custodial Services, will not enter. The biohazard warning sign must be posted when work with biohazardous agents is taking place. This sign must be permanently affixed to all entry doors of the laboratories/rooms designated in excess of BSL-2, such as BSL-2 with BSL-3 practices, BSL-3, ABSL-2 or ABSL-3. Print a biohazard warning sign to personalize and post. For more information see Biohazard Warning Signs in the Biosafety Manual. |
- BMBL, 5th Edition, Section IV,V - UW Biosafety Manual, Section IV.B.5 - UW Lab Safety Manual, Sections 2.A.6, 4.C.5 |
10 | Are additional hazard warning signs (laser, magnetic fields, high voltage, etc.) posted in lab near the hazard? Additional hazard warning signs identifying health and safety hazards beyond the general lab hazard warning sign may be required based on the type of hazard present. Examples may include lasers, magnetic fields, and high voltage. The National Electric Code defines “high voltage” as anything over 600Volts and WAC 296-155-428-L requires signage for any “high voltage” equipment in the work space. Provide warning signs, guards, and faraday cages to protect from exposed conductors in research apparatus for apparatuses operating at 50 volts or more. |
- OSHA 1926.54 - WAC 296-155-428-L - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.A.6, 4.C.5 - Other various regulation specific to hazard |
11 |
Is a laboratory floor plan, as described in the lab safety manual, posted? |
UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.C.3 Appendix C.B |
Hazard Communication | ||
12 |
Has the lab’s chemical inventory been reviewed and updated within the last year? |
- IFC, Chapter 50 |
13 |
Is the lab’s contact information current in MYCHEM? |
UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.B |
14 |
Can all lab staff readily access an MSDS/SDS via MYCHEM or hardcopy in the lab? For rooms that are shared, this information may be provided as a shared resource, including a template that can be used to create SDSs for synthesized chemicals. |
- WAC 296-828-20020 - IFC Chapter 50 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.B.3 |
15 |
Are all containers clearly labeled with their contents and primary hazard(s)? Containers of preparations, sample aliquots, and other working solutions are not required to be labeled if the container will be emptied before the end of the work shift and be used by only one person. Preparations and working solutions kept for longer periods or used by multiple people must be labeled with identity of the contents, including chemical names, and hazards. Guidance and label templates are available for download on the Chemical Container Labels webpage. It is also recommended that the labels are dated and initialed. Additional guidance is available in Section 2.E of the UW Laboratory Safety Manual. For labs that are shared, the lab name should also be included on the label. |
- WAC 296-828-20020 |
Lab Training | ||
16 | Has a safety training assessment been completed for laboratory PI, staff, students and volunteers? Complete a safety training assessment to determine what safety training classes are required for laboratory staff. A Safety Training Matrix is available to assist in determining training requirements. |
- WAC 296-828-20015 - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 7.A, 7.B |
17 | Has EH&S safety training been completed and documented for laboratory PI, staff, students and volunteers? Documentation that identifies completed EHS training for each member of the lab staff needs to be available and stored in the laboratory space. Download the documentation checklist that is to be signed and dated by both the laboratory staff member and the supervisor. Electronic records of trainings for any laboratory member can be accessed using their UW ID. EH&S will verify that required EH&S training is completed as part of the laboratory safety inspection. |
- WAC 296-828-20015 - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 7.A 7.B Appendix C.C |
18 |
Has lab specific training been completed and documented? Documentation that identifies the lab specific training for each member of the lab staff needs to be available in paper or electronic format in the laboratory space. Appendix C of the UW Lab Safety Manual provides templates for training logs and a Safety Training Checklist that can be used as applicable. For labs that are shared, training may be provided to multiple groups or users; however, each group should maintain lab specific training records. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Section 7.C, 7.D Appendix C.C - WAC 296-828-20015 |
Personal Protective Equipment | ||
19 |
Has a PPE hazard assessment been completed for all laboratory activities? For labs or equipment that are shared, the assessment may be provided to multiple groups or users; however, each group should maintain a copy of the assessment and training in their records. See the Personal Protective Equipment page for more information on PPE. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual,Section 5.B - WAC 296-800-160 |
20 |
Have all lab personnel completed PPE Training? Guidelines on how to provide and document PPE training are found in the Laboratory PPE Hazard Assessment Guide. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Section 5.B - WAC 296-800-160 |
21 | If cartridge respirators are being used, have personnel been fit tested? Lab staff who wear a respirator for exposure protection must be fit tested. See Respiratory Protection for more information. |
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.124 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 5.B.4 |
22 | Are supplies of minimum PPE required for routine work available to all lab members? PIs, laboratory managers and shop supervisors are responsible for assessing all worksites for hazards and identifying the PPE needs for all employees, students and visitors who may be potentially exposed to the hazards. A PPE Hazard Assessment or equivalent documentation that covers all operations must be completed and kept on file in each laboratory space for all lab activities. The Laboratory PPE Hazard Assessment Guide is available to assist PIs and laboratory managers to identify laboratory hazards and the appropriate PPE. All employees, students, and research staff in the lab should review the information in the document prior to beginning work in that laboratory space, and this practice should be documented. This assessment should be reviewed annually by the lab’s Chemical Hygiene Officer to determine improvements; changes should be implemented via an updated assessment and training. This can be performed as part of the lab’s routine self-inspection. Once the PPE needs are identified, the PI or CHO shall determine that PPE properly fits each employee and is in adequate supply at all times. The PPE needed should be readily available, and routine cleaning or maintenance practices established. |
- APS 10.4 |
Emergency Kits | ||
23 |
Does the laboratory have access to chemical/biological spill kits? For rooms that are used by more than one group, the spill kit may be a shared resource. |
- UW Biosafety Manual, Section IV.G - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 9.A.2 |
24 |
Do lab staff have access to a fully stocked first-aid kit? For rooms that are used by more than one group, the first aid kit may be a shared resource. |
- OSHA 1910 |
Food/Beverage | ||
25 |
Is food and drink prohibited in laboratory areas? Laboratory refrigerators, ice chests, and cold rooms must not be used for food or beverage storage. Food refrigerators must be located in break areas or another location separate from laboratory space. In addition to eating and drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, adjusting contact lenses, taking/storing medicine, and other similar activities should not take place in the laboratory. Laboratory refrigerators should also be labeled "No Food". See more information and how to order the labels in the LAB REFRIGERATORS & FREEZERS information sheet. |
- 29CFR1910.1450 - 29CFR1910.141 - Nat'l Research Council’s Prudent Practices in the Laboratory, 1995 - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.A.4, 4.F.2.a |
Emergency Eyewash/Showers | ||
26 |
Are eyewashes and showers accessible within ten seconds travel (approx. 50 ft.)? All safety equipment should be located in a low hazard area of the workplace, so locate higher hazard activities away from the eyewash. Keep the immediate area around the eye washes and showers clear at all times. Portable eye washes are not compliant except in facilities and areas where there is no plumbing. See more information under Emergency Washing Facilities. Existing laboratories that require additional emergency washing facilities to be installed may be eligible for capital safety funding. To request funding, complete and submit the Capital Safety Project Request Form. |
- DOSH Directive 13.00 |
27 |
Are eyewashes and showers free of obstructions? For rooms that are used by more than one group, keeping safety equipment available for use is a shared responsibility. |
- ANSI Z358 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.A - WAC 296-800-15030 |
28 |
Are eyewashes flushed on a weekly basis and is the flushing documented?
WISHA WAC also requires that eyewashes be flushed weekly to check that flow pressure is adequate, assure the water is clear, and to assure the water does not have microorganisms or foreign particles. Weekly flushing should be documented in paper or electronic format and available for review. For rooms that are used by more than one group, the eyewash flushing is a shared responsibility. Note: Eyewashes in spaces subject to the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) requirements must be flushed weekly and recorded in a log to meet the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s (IACUC) requirements. IACUC will document failure to do this as a finding in their survey report. |
- ANSI Z358 |
Ventilation | ||
29 | Are processes that emit vapors, gasses, or fumes adequately captured by local ventilation (hoods, snorkel)? All chemical processes or reactions that emit hazardous vapors, gasses, or fumes, and materials with a strong odor need to be located where local ventilation (e.g. fume hood, snorkel hood) is available to vent these potential hazards and nuisance odors from the room. |
- ANSI/AIHA Z9.5 |
30 |
Are fume hoods kept uncluttered and are rear ventilation slots within the hood not blocked or covered? Avoid using the fume hood to store chemicals and equipment which can block the air slot in the back of the hood and adversely affect hood performance and capture, resulting in chemical exposure to the user. Material should be places at least six inches back from the sash and some space maintained from the back of the hood to help ensure effective containment. Large bulky equipment used in the hood will cause eddies that can be reduced by making sure there is a 1-2 inch air space on all sides including the bottom. Avoid using equipment that blocks the hood sash from closing. A safer ventilation method may exist in such situations and should be pursued. Fume hoods should not be physically altered without prior approval and consent. Chemicals and equipment not in use should be removed from the hood to a proper storage cabinet. A cluttered hood can also result in spills and other unintended incidents. Allowing volatile chemicals to evaporate to reduce hazardous waste volume is not permissible. For safety and energy efficiency, fume hood sashes should be closed whenever the fume hood is not in use. For fume hoods that are used by more than one group, maintenance of a safe workspace inside the hood is a shared responsibility. Also see Fume Hoods: Use, Inspection and Maintenance. See Fume Hoods: Use, Inspection and Maintenance for additional guidance and training information. |
- ASHARAE 110-1995 - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 4.D.2, 4.D.3 |
Hazardous Waste and Disposal | ||
31 |
Are chemical waste containers in good condition and compatible with their contents? For labs that have waste streams that come from more than one group, proper container selection for waste is a shared responsibility. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 3, 3.C.1 - WDOE CH 173-303 |
32 |
Are chemical waste containers closed? For labs that have waste streams that come from more than one group, keeping waste containers closed is a shared responsibility. |
- 40 CFR 265.173 |
33 |
Are incompatible chemical wastes segregated by hazard class? Incompatible waste reactions are common to University research and more attention is needed to help reduce these incidents. Orientation and training of staff and student is very important. All waste containers need to be clearly labeled, segregated, and stored by hazard class (e.g. flammables, acids, bases, etc.) so that incompatible materials cannot react with each other. A wide variety of chemicals react dangerously when mixed with certain other substances, so do not pool waste collections and do not combine wastes based simply on their hazard class. Make note of chemicals, such as nitric acid, that require being stored separately from all other chemicals. Guidance on containers and waste management can be found on our website in the Managing Lab Chemicals online training, the Chemical Waste Disposal webpage and the Hazardous Waste Checklist. Dispose of hazardous chemicals that are no longer needed and dispose of chemical waste on a regular basis to prevent unnecessary accumulation and increased hazards in the laboratory space. Chemical collections can be scheduled online. Routine pickups can be scheduled using the Routine Chemical Waste Collection Form. According to APS 11.2, the University of Washington Environmental Health and Safety Department has all responsibility for collection of hazardous waste for the University, at all its campuses and offsite locations. This means that you cannot contract with an outside vendor to collect your waste. For labs that have waste streams that come from more than one group, proper segregation of the waste is a shared responsibility. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 3, 3.C.3, 2.D |
34 |
Are all chemical waste containers labeled with a completed UW hazardous waste label? Deface original labels on reused containers if they previously contained different chemicals. Guidance is available in Section 3.C of the UW Laboratory Safety Manual. For labs that have waste streams that come from more than one group, proper labeling of the waste is a shared responsibility. Free labels are available at Biochemistry Stores and the Chemistry Department Research Stockroom on campus. These labels come in booklets of 20 and are self-adhesive. Contact Environmental Programs at (206) 616.5835 if you would like EH&S to send you some of these labels via campus mail. Templates for printing your own labels are available on the Chemical Waste Disposal page. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.E, 3.C.2 - WDOE CH 173-303 |
35 |
Is lab glass placed in sturdy cardboard boxes that are labeled with the room number and Principal Investigator's name? For rooms that are used by more than one group,the lab glass box may be a shared resource (add all PI names). |
UW Lab Safety Manual Section 3.J |
Chemical Storage/Process | ||
36 |
Are flammable liquids and solids stored appropriately? Approved containers outlined in the UW Lab Safety Manual, Section 2 (see Table 2-2); quantities vary by the type of container and the classification of flammable liquid. For labs that have waste streams that come from more than one group, maintaining a limit on the amount of these chemicals outside the storage cabinets is a shared responsibility. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.D - IFC 5704 |
37 |
Are hazardous material quantities within limits allowed by the Fire Code? Lookup control area details and summaries for laboratory space locations in MyChem. (Note: if you don't have authorization contact EH&S). Dispose of all hazardous chemicals that are no longer needed and dispose of chemical waste on a regular basis to prevent unnecessary accumulation and increased hazards in the laboratory space. See Hazardous Chemical Waste Disposal for more information. |
- IFC 2704 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.D.3 |
38 |
If flammable chemicals are stored in a refrigerator, are they in a refrigerator approved for flammable (or explosive) liquids? Explosion-proof refrigerators are designed to prevent ignition of flammable vapors or gases that may be present outside the refrigerator. This type of refrigerator must be used in locations such as solvent dispensing rooms, where a flammable atmosphere may develop at some time in the room. Explosion-proof refrigerators have very limited use on campus and require special hazardous-location wiring rather than simple cord-and-plug connections. Please contact the fire safety specialist at EH&S (206.685.0341) if you believe you have a need for an "explosion-proof" refrigerator. Regardless of type, every laboratory refrigerator and freezer must be clearly labeled to indicate whether it is appropriate for the storage of flammable materials. See the Lab Refrigerator and Freezers focus sheet. For labs that share a refrigerator, managing the contents is a shared responsibility. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 4.B.3, 4.F.2 |
39 |
Are all chemical containers intended for chemical use in good condition (not corroded or leaking)? For shared labs, proper management of the chemical containers is a shared responsibility. |
- OSHA CFR 1910 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.D |
40 |
Are all chemical containers closed? Allowing chemicals to evaporate in a fume hood to reduce the hazardous waste stream is prohibited. For shared labs, proper management of the chemical containers is a shared responsibility. |
- 40 CFR 265.173 |
41 |
Are incompatible chemicals segregated when they are being stored? See the Incompatible Chemicals Focus Sheet for incompatibles. Additional guidance is available in Section 2.D of the UW Laboratory Safety Manual and in the Managing Lab Chemicals online training. Likewise, waste containers need to be segregated and stored by hazard class (for example: flammables, acids, bases) so that incompatible materials cannot react with each other. A wide variety of chemicals react dangerously when mixed with certain other substances, so do not pool waste collections and do not combine wastes based simply on their hazard class. Make note of chemical wastes, such as nitric acid, that require being stored separately from all other chemical waste. For shared labs, proper segregation of stored chemicals is a shared responsibility. For labs that have waste streams that come from more than one group, proper segregation of the waste is a shared responsibility. |
- APS 11.2 |
42 |
Are hazardous materials storage cabinets appropriate for their contents, properly labeled and in good condition? Any units used for storage of chemicals should be clearly labeled to provide identification of the hazard class of the chemicals being stored inside. For shared labs, proper labeling of the cabinets is a shared responsibility. |
- OSHA CFR 1910 1200 |
43 |
Are chemicals stored on the floor in DOT approved carboys, metal containers, or glass containers provided with secondary containment? Proper storage of qll shared chemicals is a shared responsibility. For shared labs, proper management of the chemical storage on the floor is a shared responsibility. |
- Best Practice |
44 |
Are chemical containers being stored away from sinks? To prevent chemical exposures due to dispensation from sewer lines and sinks, do not store chemical containers underneath sinks or in cabinets directly under the sink. Proper storage of all shared chemicals is a shared responsibility. For shared labs, ensuring chemical storage is away from the sinks the is a shared responsibility. |
- Best Practice - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.D.2 |
45 |
Are corrosive chemicals stored below eye level? Proper storage of all shared chemicals is a shared responsibility. For shared labs, ensuring storage of corrosives below eye level is a shared responsibility. |
- Best Practice - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.D.2 |
46 |
Are opened peroxide forming compounds labeled with the date they were opened, the date tested for peroxides and with an expiration date? EH&S recommends that you dispose of peroxide forming chemicals that have been kept longer than their maximum retention times. The maximum retention times begin on the date of opening a manufacturer’s bottle or the date of synthesis in your laboratory. Peroxides form at varying rates depending on the chemical, the length of exposure to air and light and the container type. Peroxides can form in freshly distilled and unstabilized ethers within two weeks, in ethyl ether within eight days, and in tetrahydrofuran within three days. For lists of peroxide forming chemicals and their maximum retention times, refer to EH&S Guidelines for Peroxide Forming Chemicals. These lists are not exhaustive. Check the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of your chemical to determine if it forms peroxides. If so, there will be a warning under the heading Precautionary Labeling or Fire and Explosion Hazard Data on the MSDS. If a substance does not appear on the lists and the MSDS does not indicate that it is a peroxide former, but you suspect that it is a peroxide former, evaluate the molecular structure of the chemical for peroxide forming functional groups and the chemical families of peroxide formers. For further information on how to manage peroxide forming chemicals see EH&S Guidelines for Peroxide Forming Chemicals. |
UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.D.2 Table 2-1, Section 2.E.2.b Section 2.G.4.b |
47 |
Is the lab free of chemicals that are old and no longer needed? Label the contents of the new container using a hazardous waste label and affix it to the container. Free self-adhesive labels are available as follows:
Chemical collections can be scheduled online or you can schedule routine pickups. According to APS 11.2, the University of Washington Environmental Health and Safety Department has all responsibility for collection of hazardous waste for the University, at all its campuses and offsite locations. This means that you cannot contract with an outside vendor to collect your waste. Read more information about Chemical Waste Collection. For shared labs, proper management of the chemicals available for use is a shared responsibility. |
- APS 11.2 |
Compressed Gas Cylinders, Cryogen, and LPG | ||
48 | Are highly toxic gas cylinders stored in a gas cabinet, ventilated enclosure, or fume hood? Highly toxic compressed gas cylinders must be stored and used in an approved gas cabinet or fume hood. Quantities of highly toxic gas are highly restricted. Confer with EH&S for assistance. For shared labs, proper management of the chemicals available for use is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 6004.1 - IFC table 5003.1.1(2), footnote g - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.D, 2.G.9, 2.G.10 |
49 |
Are incompatible compressed gas cylinders in storage segregated? Compressed gases may also be separated in exhausted enclosures such as a fume hood or gas cabinet. Cylinders in use and one spare backup are exempt from the segregation requirement within laboratories. For more information see Compressed Gas. For shared labs, proper management of the chemicals available for use is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 5303 |
50 |
Are gas cylinder valve protection caps in place for gas cylinders not in active use? For shared labs, proper management of the chemicals available for use is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 5303 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.G.9 - WAC 296-24-68203 |
51 |
Are compressed gas cylinders secured to prevent them from falling or tipping? For shared labs, proper securing of cylinders is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 5303 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.G.9 - WAC 296-24-68203 |
52 |
Are all gas lines leading from gas cylinders clearly labeled to indicate contents and hazards? |
- IFC 5303 - OSHA 1910.261(a)(3)(ii) - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.G |
Biological Safety | ||
53 | If the lab works with biohazards involving recombinant DNA, human or non-human primate material, or pathogenic agents, does it have a Biological Use Authorization? If your work involves biohazards, your work must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and EH&S. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) mandate that our institution establish an IBC for the review and approval of all research involving recombinant DNA, and IBC review and approval for research involving all biohazards is required. The purpose of the biosafety review is to ensure that biohazardous materials are handled safely from start to finish. Submitting a BUA Application will register your research with the IBC and EH&S, and it will initiate the Biological Use Authorization process. IBC’s working definition of a biohazardous agent includes: pathogenic agents, recombinant or synthetically derived DNA, and human/non-human primate material. Labs working with biohazards are required to have a Notification of Biological Use Authorization letter on file that is available to be viewed by staff. When projects with biological agents are approved, they will receive an expiration date. Approvals will generally be given for a three year period or concurrent with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol expiration. Any research performed on a project with biological agents after the expiration date will be out of compliance with the NIH Guidelines. This is a reportable incident to the NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities. To renew your approval you must re-submit a BUA Application in sufficient time to obtain IBC approval before your expiration date. You will receive email notification, approximately two months prior, of your impending expiration to remind you of your need to resubmit if you plan to continue your research. See further information on biohazard work and BUA. A list of hazard classifications and review procedures is in Section 2 of the UW Biosafety Manual. |
- APS 12.3
54 | If conducting BSL1/ABSL1 practices or higher, is a sink available for hand washing? BSL-1, BSL-2, ABSL-1, and ABSL-2 labs must have a sink for hand washing within the room or an adjacent laboratory that is under the same administrative control such that security does not preclude access. Existing laboratories may be eligible for capital safety funding. To request funding, complete and submit the Capital Safety Project Request Form. |
- 7 CFR 331 |
55 | Are biohazardous blades, needles, and other sharps promptly and properly disposed of in a sharps container? All biohazardous blades, needles, and other sharps should be disposed of in a sharps container immediately after use. See more information on how to dispose of biohazardous waste. |
- 7 CFR 331 - 9 CFR 121 - 42 CFR 73 - BMBL, 5th Edition - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 3.J |
56 | Is bio-hazardous waste packaged for regulated waste or autoclaved in a timely manner? Biological hazardous waste should be autoclaved within 14 days as a standard practice, and waste containers should not be completely full. For more information see Section 4 of the UW Biosafety Manual. |
- Seattle Municipal Code 21.43 |
Pressure Vessel | ||
57 |
If pressure vessels are in use, are they approved for their operating pressure or are they mitigated to prevent injury? For additional information see Section 4 of the UW Lab Safety Manual and/or the Pressure Vessels webpage. Also, see Northwestern University's online video (YouTube) on pressure vessel safety. |
- RCW, Chapter 70.79 - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 4.E.3, 4.F.4 - WAC, Chapter 296-104 |
Housekeeping/Internal Audit | ||
58 |
Is the lab free of slip and trip hazards? For shared labs, keeping the lab free of slip and trip hazards is a shared responsibility. |
UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.E |
59 |
Is the lab adequately organized, orderly, and clean to provide for sufficient work space for operations without spills, accidents, and other preventable incidents? For shared labs, housekeeping is a shared responsibility. |
- Best Practice - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.A.7, 4.E, 9.A.1 |
60 |
Is there minimal glassware stored in the sink or on the bench top? For shared labs with shared bench or counter space, maintenance of adequate work surface is a shared responsibility. |
- Best Practice - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.A.7, 9.A.1 |
61 |
Are lab coats regularly laundered by MediCleanse or similar industrial laundry service? Laboratory coats may not be taken home to be cleaned in a domestic washer, nor should they be taken to a laundry service that is not equipped to handle potentially contaminated items. Laboratory coats should be laundered through a University of Washington contracted vendor such as MediCleanse or similar industrial laundry service. Labs working in the Health Sciences complex can use Medicleanse. |
UW Lab Safety Manual Section 5.B.2 |
Electrical Safety | ||
62 |
Are building electrical panels accessible? For shared labs, following guidance on electrical safety is a shared responsibility. |
- NEC - NFPA 70 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.E.2 |
63 |
Are extension cords or power strips daisy-chained to each other? More information is available on the Basic Electrical Safety page. For shared labs, following guidance on electrical safety is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 605 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.E.2 |
64 |
Exposed wiring or electrical cords in poor condition are not in use? More information is available on the Basic Electrical Safety page. For shared labs, following guidance on electrical safety is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 605 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.E.2 |
65 |
Are ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI's--either fixed GFCI receptacles/breakers or using adapters) employed in wet locations? While new labs are now required to have GFCI when a receptacle is with six feet of a sink, it is not necessary to retrofit every receptacle based solely on distance. The need is risk based. Affordable adapter units are available through many vendors to address this need. Contact UW Facilities for assistance More information is available on the Basic Electrical Safety page. For shared labs, following guidance on electrical safety is a shared responsibility. |
UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 4 .E.2, 4.F.1 |
66 |
Are extension cords not used, or used only as temporary wiring and not running under carpets, doors, or through walls and ceilings? More information is available on the Basic Electrical Safety page. For shared labs, following guidance on electrical safety is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 605 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.E.2 |
67 |
Is equipment with motors, heaters, and other high amperage needs plugged directly into a wall receptacle? More information is available on the Basic Electrical Safety page. For shared labs, following guidance on electrical safety is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 605 - NEC - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.E.2 |
Radiation Safety | ||
68 | If the lab works with radiological materials, does it have a Radiation Use Authorization?
EH&S’s Radiation Safety team issues Radiation Use Authorizations (RUAs) to principal investigators who use radioactive material.
Principal Investigators (PIs) and researchers who work with radioactive material must be properly trained, and must conduct the work under a Radiation Use Authorization (RUA) issued by EH&S’s Radiation Safety team.
All work with radioactive material must be conducted under the supervision of a PI who has been issued a Radiation Use Authorization (RUA) for the work. Each RUA contains terms and conditions specific to the approved use of the material. Use of radioactive material outside of the scope described in the RUA is strictly prohibited and can result in restriction or termination of the RUA.
Contact radsaf@uw.edu for more information.
- WAC 246 - UW Radiation Safety Manual - UW Lab Safety Manual, Section 2.C.5 , 2.D Appendix E.B
69 | Are all Class 3B and/or Class 4 lasers inventoried with EH&S Radiation Safety? All equipment with class 3B or class 4 lasers must be registered with Radiation Safety for inventory, signage, and safety purposes. See the Laser Safety webpage or contact radsaf@uw.edu for more information about laser registration. |
UW Laser Safety Manual |
Fire Safety and Prevention | ||
70 |
Are there 18 inches of clearance between stored items and fire sprinklers? For shared labs, this is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 315 - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 9.A.1.d |
71 |
Do suspended ceilings have all of their ceiling tiles in place? For shared labs, this is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 703 - NFPA 13 |
72 |
Are lab doors kept closed when unoccupied? For shared labs, this is a shared responsibility. |
- Best Practice |
73 |
Are fire extinguishers available, easily accessible, and free of obstructions? Fire extinguishers should the appropriate type for the hazard and within 50 feet of travel from the operations involving chemicals and 75 feet for ordinary combustible. Ideally fire extinguishers should located within the laboratory but a corridor location is acceptable if with the stipulated travel distance. For shared labs, this is a shared responsibility. |
- IFC 906 - NFPA 10 - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.A.5&7, 4.B.1, 9.A.1 |
Exit Access and Corridors | ||
74 |
Are aisles and exits within the laboratory space free of clutter and obstructions? Equipment and supplies should not be stored in exit pathways or aisles. Objects located in exit pathways, such as boxes, equipment, stacked supplies, waste containers, etc., can, in a fire or other emergency, cause people to fall, seriously hurt themselves, and even block the exit passageway for others. Keeping exit pathways clear of obstacles enables people to exit a building more quickly and safely. For shared labs, this is a shared responsibility. |
- IBC 1003 |
75 |
Are corridors and exits free of obstruction and hazardous materials/processed in accordance with UW Corridor Policy? For shared labs, this is a shared responsibility. |
- IBC 1003 - UW Corridor Policy - UW Lab Safety Manual Section 2.A.5, 2.A.7, 2.D.2, 4.E.1 |
Seismic Safety | ||
76 |
Are chemical containers stored safely on shelves with lips or in a closed cabinet to prevent them from falling in an earthquake? For shared labs, this is a shared responsibility. |
- Best Practice - UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 2.D.2, 4.E.1.d, 9.A.1.f |
Machinery | ||
77 |
Are all hazardous pieces of machinery mounted or secured to prevent movement or tipping? Contact EH&S for guidance on or assessment of hazardous machinery securement. For labs sharing equipment, this is a shared responsibility. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Sections 4.E.4, 9.A.1.f - WAC 296-806-20002 |
78 |
Are all points of operation, rotating components, and other moving parts of machinery properly guarded to prevent injury? For labs sharing equipment, this is a shared responsibility. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual |
79 | Is laboratory equipment with potential hazards routinely inspected, and maintained or serviced as recommended? Laboratory equipment should undergo routine maintenance to promote trouble-free operation and avoid potentially hazardous malfunction. Users should be trained to operate each piece of equipment in the lab and be made aware of potential malfunction hazards. Hazards associated with inadequately maintained/serviced lab equipment can include physical injury, burns, exposure to released or volatilized chemical or biologic agents, excessive noise, and electrical shock. Equipment of concern includes centrifuges, centrifuge rotors, sonicators, autoclaves, ovens, oil baths, and pressurized devices. Equipment should be checked for physical and electrical integrity, presence of corrosion, cracks or presence of atypical smells or sounds. If equipment is not functioning properly, it should be tagged out of service until repairs are made. More specifically, guidelines for regular maintenance specified in the operator manual should be followed. Refer to the operator’s manuals for recommendations on specific equipment. Specific Items
For labs sharing equipment, this is a shared responsibility. |
- UW Lab Safety Manual Section 4.F - NFPA 45 |