Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The purpose of the personal protective equipment (PPE) program is to protect researchers, employees, students, and visitors from potential hazards in the work environment. However, eliminating hazards through engineering or administrative controls provides better and more consistent protection than relying on PPE alone. If PPE is necessary, it is best used with engineering and/or administrative controls along with good work practices.

Laboratory Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Hazard Assessment Guide (updated 11/4/21)


The Laboratory Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Hazard Assessment Guide (Word) identifies hazards to which laboratory workers may be exposed and specifies PPE to protect against these hazards during work operations. When completed, the document and its associated training will satisfy the Department of Labor and Industries requirements for PPE as required in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 296-800-160.

Hearing Loss Prevention Program

Updated July 8, 2024

The UW Hearing Loss Prevention Program ensures the safety of University personnel through controlling exposure to noise levels that could result in occupational hearing loss.

University personnel are required to participate in the Hearing Loss Prevention Program if they (or a representative worker) have a full-day occupational noise exposure dose of 85 A-weighted decibels (dBA) or higher during an 8-hour period.

MRI Medical Screening

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) medical safety screening assures the safety of all UW employees who may be exposed to the magnetic resonance magnet.

The magnetic resonance (MR) system uses a very strong magnetic field and is on at all times. Pre-existing health conditions may present a health risk when working in an MR environment.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality refers to air quality in indoor office, classroom or laboratory environments, as opposed to industrial or outdoor settings. These areas have either natural ventilation from openable windows, or mechanical ventilation from a heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. Common causes of air quality complaints include mechanical ventilation failures, inadequate outdoor air supply, odors from indoor or outdoor sources, and mold.