Control volatile organic chemical smells

Does your laboratory have volatile organic chemicals that produce strong, pungent odors even when the cap and bottle are intact? Controlling these smells, often found in chemical storage areas, will help reduce your risk of exposure.

Volatile organic chemicals can escape their containers, which presents an exposure risk to everyone in the lab. Restricting the ability for the chemical to disperse into the air can lower that risk.

Notice of Cleaning and Decontamination Form (updated 8/10/21)

Updated 8/10/21

The Notice of Cleaning and/or Decontamination Form (Word) must be completed by a UW employee knowledgeable of the hazardous materials used in, on and/or around a space, equipment, appliance or furniture when either of the following occur:

1. The dirty or contaminated equipment, appliance or furniture is being repaired or removed (for disposal, reuse or surplus).

2. The space is being vacated. 


Laboratory Safety

The Laboratory Safety program oversees safety and compliance in all UW research and teaching laboratory spaces to reduce the risk of injury and exposure, decrease the risk of property loss, lessen the likelihood of lost research, and minimize environmental damage.